Organizer: Amar Venga
Students are encouraged to present a poster with a topic of their choice on Saturday, June 4th. To register for the poster session, the abstract has to be submitted and registration has to be paid by May 3.
Setup will take place on Friday, June 3th starting at 3:00 pm, or on Saturday, June 4th before 8:30 am. Presenters are asked to give a short (~3min) presentation to the judges and remain at their posters during judging to answer questions. The winners will be announced following the judging time period. Prizes are awarded at the banquet on Sunday, June 5th to the three best poster presenters, based on content, organization, and presentation.
Each winner will receive two complimentary tickets to the banquet as well as $100 and a framed award certificate
Organizer: Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil
The Canadian Mathematical Society Student Committee (CMS Studc) invites students (undergraduate and graduate) to present a talk on a topic of their choice at the Student Research Presentations Session during the 2022 CMS Summer Meeting. These presentations should introduce the student’s research to a general mathematical audience.
Any questions about the student sessions should be directed to the student session organizers at:
To register for the session, contact the organizers of the session with an abstract by May 3. Notice of acceptance will be given. Abstracts submitted after this deadline will be considered if space remains.
Presenters will also have to register for the meeting. Student members of the CMS who are presenting a poster or talk have significantly reduced registration costs. If you are not currently a member of the CMS, talk to your department chair about the possibility of becoming a university-sponsored student member for a reduced fee.
Organizer: Ludovick Bouthat
Come experience a communal writing workshop where you will get to write about your favorite math topics. Your piece will have the chance of being published in an upcoming StudC magazine!
Organizers: Reila Zheng ( and Alexandra Kirillova (
The CMS Student Committee (STUDC) invites all student participants at the 2022 CMS Summer Meeting to its Student Social.
The student social activity will be held on the evening of Friday June 3. Come meet your colleagues from around the country!
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